Santa Barbara
Creative Education
General Registration and Fee Schedule
Space is limited. We have space for 25 youths with Learning Coaches at any one time.
Registration will be accepted according to the Date of Receipt of the Registration Packet and Paid Registration Fee.
Each Separate/Individual onsite Station ranges from 5 to 10 Students.
Monthly Registration Required.
Payment in advance required
Discounts are offered for advance payment for one full semester.
There is a $50 Non-Refundable Registration & Materials Fee. If you do not activate your registration or choose not to participate, your $50 Registration Fee will not be refunded.
To Register follow the following process:
1. Send an Email to sbcreativeed@gmail.com
2. Include the following information
o Youth Name​
o Youth Age & Birth date
o Parent/Guardian Name
o Parent/Guardian Email
o Parent/Guardian Phone Number
o Youth Registered as Homeschool, Charter School, Public School, Other
3. Send detailed request for preferred Schedule​
o Specific Day(s) per week​
o Specific Block Schedule (Enrichment, GYM, Tutor Lab)
o Specific Times for Each Block Schedule
Participants must be registered in specific scheduled sessions. If the Participant misses a session there is no make-up due, but in some special cases, upon request, DCE may permit make-up hours as space is available. Once a Participant's schedule is set, changes cannot be made unless space becomes available.
Charter School Notes
Charter School Participants are limited to a maximum number of scheduled session hours per week. Check with your Charter School, but normally the maximum including breaks is 12 hours per week. This maximum includes instruction sessions and tutoring hours totaled together. The Entrepreneurship Program may not be considered part of the Charter School Program total hours per week if you do not use Charter School Funds and choose to pay out of pocket. It is your responsibility to Check with your Charter School to receive a determination. If your Charter School Funds do not cover the total costs, you may pay the difference out of pocket. While the Package Program does not allow for this, the A-La-Cart Main Program Does.
Entrepreneurship Program
Participants Interested in the Entrepreneurship Program may apply directly to Joseph Natale via email: sbcreativeed@gmail.com.
In Subject Area write: APPLY Entrepreneurship. Participants will provide their Name, Age and describe their interests in the program.
Participants should copy Parents/Guardians by email. Joseph Natale will respond and spots will be awarded.
Scholarships may be available through SBACT Youth Advocacy Fund.
Scholarships will be considered by completing an application. For the Application write to Joseph Natale at sbcreativeed@gmail.com and write "Scholarship" in the subject area to receive the application.
D’Arezzo Creative Education Program Course Policy
Discounts, and Cancellation Information, Refund Policy and REGISTRATION POLICIES:
Each family agrees to the following policies upon registering their child:
Registration is on a first-received, first-enrolled basis until the maximum Station size is reached. If a Session is canceled, we will notify you at least 24 hours prior to the start of the Session. Refund eligibility is not based upon your reason for being unable to attend a Session, even if that reason is beyond your control. It is based solely upon the timing of your refund request, as follows:
• If we receive your request at least one month (30 days) prior to the first day of the Session, you will receive a full refund, less a 20% cancellation fee. We do NOT give full refunds due to the fact that we incur fees at the time of your registration. Cancellation fees cover these costs when you cancel.
• If we receive your request less than one month (29 days or less) prior to the first day of the upcoming month, you are not eligible for a refund; however, a Session credit less than a 15% cancellation fee will be offered for future Courses. The participant will have until the end of the same academic year to redeem this credit, after which time it will be considered void. This policy also applies to Payment Plan participants.
• If we receive your request once the Month has begun, there are no refunds and you will be responsible for any remaining Session fees that are unpaid.
• All Sessions require advance enrollment, payment, deposit, or proof a voucher/certificate has been ordered in order to be guaranteed a spot in the Session. You will receive a confirmation email after your registration has been completed.
Refund requests must be made via email. We do not accept refund requests over the phone or in person (please respect this).
• Send requests via email to sbcreativeed@gmail.com.
• Include your full name, phone number, email address, name of your child, child's age, Session: Title, Number, Day and Time, beginning date, and exact amount of payment.
Changes in Policy and Session Schedule:
D’Arezzo Creative Education reserves the right to combine, add, delete, or change sessions. D’Arezzo Creative Education also reserves the right to make changes in faculty, program/session calendar, and in any general or specific organizational policy.
To derive the full benefit of the enrichment programs at DCE, it is essential that absences and tardiness be kept to a minimum. The activities are based on participation; therefore, regular attendance is necessary to successfully benefit from them. There are no make-up times, credits or refunds for time missed under any circumstances.
Payment Plans:
Payment plans and scholarships will be on a case-by-case basis only. Please contact Joseph Natale sbcreativeed@gmail.com to see if you qualify.