Santa Barbara
Creative Education
Acerca de
Ortega Welcome house
Corner of Ortega & Salsipuedes Streets
Zoom-in Participation Available!
Learn & Earn the Fun Way!
Tuesdays 4pm-5pm
Children learn how to discover and create! Taking the basics of Entrepreneurship and translating them into age appropriate, understandable concepts.
Children will take a tour of the structure of business, finance, marketing, earning, managing funds and giving back!
Together we will choose a business idea, develop it, market it, sell it and celebrate it!
Program Overview
Day 1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Day 2 Local Market-What Businesses Work?
Day 3 Choosing Products & Services
Day 4 Value-Create Our Business Idea
Day 5 Target Market-Marketing
Day 6 Costs, Pricing, Profit
Day 7 What is our Brand?
Day 8 Putting it All to Work!
Day 9 Now Let's Sell it!
Day 10 Giving Back to Our Community!
Day 11 Let's Celebrate Our Success!
* Does not include materials fee. Materials fee will not exceed $50.00
* Payment Process will be sent in return email after registration.
Fill out the following form & return by email to:
Checks to:
D'Arezzo Center
2528 Bath St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Questions? Send an Email:
Get in touch so we can start working together.