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Academic Tutoring & Music
2024 Sessions

Academic & Music Education Programs


SBCE Provides:

  • Individualized Tutoring

    • Learning Coaches work with students to determine their highest learning path approach in each core academic subject.

  • Group Instruction

    • Students participate in group instruction sessions

  • Practical Application Academic Integration Methodology

    • Field Trips

    • Real World Application

    • Research & Discovery

    • Integrate Student's Special Interests into Core Academics




Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies

9 Months-36 Weeks of Instruction August 21, 2023-June 7, 2024


High School Entrepreneur Club

  • Learn & Earn

  • Business Plans

  • Financial Management

  • Marketing & Sales

  • Operations

  • Social Enterprise

  • Weekly Sessions (Day/Time To be Arranged)

  • + Intern with Local Business

  • $100.00 Per Month​

Download Spring 2024 Schedule

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Tutoring Programs

Tutoring High School Academics

  • Small Group & Individualized

  • Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, Physical Fitness/Sports

  • $18.75 Per Hour Group Instruction 3 or more Students

    • 2 Hour minimum Weekly Sessions​

  • $50.00 Per Hour 1-2 Students Tutoring

  • Day/Times to be arranged


Tutoring Jr. High School Academics

  • Small Group & Individualized

  • Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, Physical Fitness/Sports

  • $18.75 Per Hour Group Instruction 3 or more Students

    • 2 Hour minimum Weekly Sessions​

  • $50.00 Per Hour 1-2 Students Tutoring

  • Day/Times to be arranged


Tutoring Elementary School Academics

  • Small Group & Individualized

  • Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, Physical Fitness/Sports

  • $18.75 Per Hour Group Instruction 3 or more Students

    • 2 Hour minimum Weekly Sessions​

  • $50.00 Per Hour 1-2 Students Tutoring

  • Day/Times to be arranged


D'Arezzo Music Studio

Introduction to Music, Rhythm, Piano, Guitar:​​

  • Included in After School Program

Music TheorySongwritingMusic & Video Production:

  • $50 per Hour

Voice, Piano, Guitar, Drums & Other Instruments:​

  • $25 Per 1/2 Hour Group Sessions 2 or more Students​

  • $50.00 Per 1/2 Hour Individual Tutoring


*Day/Times for group & individual sessions to be arranged



The City of Santa Barbara CO-SPONSORS SBCE

Meeting Location At The Carousel House & Park Plaza & Ortega Welcome House

  • There is easy access from Garden Street Exit off the 101.

  • There is a turn-around cul-de-sac for easy drop off and pick up.

  • We have walking access to the ocean, pier, sea center, zoo, breakwater, & downtown!



Sessions are listed under Tony J. Natale (D’Arezzo Center for Creative Expression) but if you search for D'Arezzo you will see all of our options pop up. Here is a video of how to place an order in Procurify. 

If you are having trouble placing an order please reach out to your HST and they will walk you through the process


​Santa Barbara Creative Education is ready to accept registration for the Fall 2023 Semester.


We have designed a family choice academic education support and enrichment program that meets the many family needs that have been expressed by our families over the last 6 years.


Our ENRICHMENT SESSIONS will include ART, MUSIC LESSONS, CHOIR, BANDS, MUSIC EDITING, FILM MAKING and VIDEO EDITING, ACTING and more! We offer SPECIAL GUEST Instructors and our ZOOM AROUND THE WORLD with interesting people and professionals!


We pride ourselves on our focus on enriching and tutoring K-12. We will have block schedules available all day. The first sessions are focused on Academics and afternoons are focused on Enrichment in the Arts. We will end with Special Sessions on Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise.


Santa Barbara Creative Education Youth was honored to have played a small part in the 2021 song by Tay Da Prince and John Legend. The message to Love One Another is something we all need. Our Youth have joined to help raise funds for children across the USA and soon will be raising funds for local youth education and conservation projects!


You are welcome to review our activities and tutoring schedule noted below. If you are part of a Charter School Program or Home School Program you may be able to use funds allocated for enrichment. Our fee schedule is noted below on the schedule. We are recommending Connections Academy as a good, fully funded, Virtual Public School as a good partnership with our Learning Coaches, but will work with any child and curriculum.




Enrichment Program:

Humanities, Performance, Art, Music, Conservation, Social Awareness expressed through Artistic projects, Entrepreneurship: The children learn about the real world, in the real world. First we research, Then we apply what we study. Everything we do is fun and enriching, but also includes real world learning. We demonstrate what has been learned and how we have been enriched through many artistic expressions, such as plays, writing poems, speeches, music, art, photographs, and videos.



Academic Programs: Learning/Homework Labs

Youth bring their own curriculum for core subjects. 

These may include:

  • Homeschool Family Choice Curriculum,

  • Charter School Curriculum,

  • Public School Curriculum

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